MPL030 | Forum page

This is The Forum Page, a slightly larger than 6 x 4″ page once folded, which will make boundless journals using a hinge – such as the Butterfly Hinge or Gift Card hinge – and locking tag, or even boundless books for which you will need the Boundless Box Wrap.

Perfect for photo albums, recapped, art journals, and more, the Boundless Books and journals require no glue and allow you to change the order of pages and more while creating. Also, they allow you to pull prints, get really messy one page at at time.


This is The Forum Page, a slightly larger than 6 x 4″ page once folded, which will make boundless journals using a hinge – such as the Butterfly Hinge or Gift Card hinge – and locking tag, or even boundless books for which you will need the Boundless Box Wrap.

Perfect for photo albums, recapped, art journals, and more, the Boundless Books and journals require no glue and allow you to change the order of pages and more while creating. Also, they allow you to pull prints, get really messy one page at at time.


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